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Group Admins Start Here!
You can be up and running in minutes!
16 articles
What is a group and how do I create one?On Count.It, groups run challenges. It all begins with a group.
How do I invite people to join my group?Group invitation instructions for the new Count.It app.
Sample Challenge Invitation: Email Template!Copy-and-paste this message to kick off your challenge in a jiffy!
How do I create a challenge on Count.It Journey?You've got a group. Now it's time to launch a challenge, and add some rewards.
How do I create goals and rewards for my challenge?With a few clicks you can add goals and rewards for individuals, teams, or the entire group as a whole.
How do I run a challenge with teams?Learn how to add teams to your challenge and set up team goals and rewards
How do I add a header image to my group home screen?Any nice jpg or png will do!
How do I turn on or off manual entriesAll the gory details
How do I update my group's name?Don't like your current group name? No problem, it's a snap to change.
How do I access my challenge reports?Group Admins can download reports via the Admin Dashboard on the web
How do I make someone an admin in my group?Existing admins can add or remove admin privileges from any other member of your group.
How do I remove a person from my group?Log in to your Admin Dashboard on the web and go to your Members page!
How do I access my billing portal?Need to update your payment method, see your payment history, or change your plan?