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Group Admins Start Here!
You can be up and running in minutes!
17 articles
What is a group and how do I create one?On Count.It, groups run challenges. It all begins with a group.
How do I invite people to join my group?Group invitation instructions for the new Count.It app.
How do I create a challenge?You've got a group. Now it's time to launch a challenge, and add some rewards.
Sample Challenge Invitation: Email Template!Copy-and-paste this message to kick off your challenge in a jiffy!
How do I set up rewards for my challenge?With a few clicks you can add goals and rewards for individuals, teams, or the entire group as a whole.
How do I run a challenge with teams?Learn how to add teams to your challenge and set up team goals and rewards
What are Goal Points, and how do they work?Goal Points spice things up and reward people for being consistent.
How do I add a header image to my group home screen?Any nice jpg or png will do!
How do I turn on or off manual entriesAll the gory details
How do I update my group's name?Don't like your current group name? No problem, it's a snap to change.
What reports are available for my challenge, and how do I get them?Group Admins can download reports for any of their challenges at any time.
How do I make someone an admin in my group?A group can have as many admins as it likes.
How do I access my billing portal?Need to update your payment method, see your payment history, or change your plan?
How do I remove someone from my group?Manage your group members via the Group Settings page.